a webring for feline furries, nekos, therians and other cat-adjacent folks

What is a webring?

"A webring (or web ring) is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, and usually organized around a specific theme."
How to Join


◦ you must have your own personal website
◦ you must display the webring widget somewhere on your website
◦ your site should have some kind of cat related content, like a theme, mascot or graphics

Steps to Join

1. send an email containing your site url to snewdraws@protonmail.com with the subject line "catfolk webring"

2. add this widget to your website (somewhere that is easy to access, such as your homepage or a links page)

option 1: pixel button widget
made by snew

option 2: text widget

3. wait to be added, then that's it!
(Click header to expand info)

Cat List

# Name Link
1 snewberry
2 kiwimeowo
:3 swiftyshq
4 leizy8499
5 nonkiru
6 angelscake
7 webcatz
8 slushiecafe
9 pomelo
10 pizzacatdelights
11 catcakes
12 tapeykatt
1:3 virtuagirl
14 doqmeat
15 morocerasus
16 cadeion
17 atari404
18 foxthing

Last updated 22/04/2024
Webring created 12/04/2024
(d/m/y format)

Related Projects

Indie-web Cat Projects

Caby's "draw a cat" gallery.

Similar Webrings

Other Cats

Not a part of the webring, but welcome if they'd like to join. These are cat-themed personal websites that I've found while surfing the web. :3


◦ webring run by snew
◦ webstring script by webcatz
◦ gifs from studio ghibli's "the cat returns"